DPS Lister
DPS Lister provides general psychiatric specialist health services for adults over 18 with mental illness. Our service offer includes acute crisis intervention, specialized assessment and outpatient treatment.

Who are we?
Psychiatric services for adults - DPS Lister is a department in the Mental Health Clinic at Sørlandet Hospital. We take care of the specialist health service's district psychiatric services in the Lister region for adults, and have premises in Flekkefjord, Farsund and Kvinesdal. We have various outpatient services at all three locations for patients who receive follow-up during the day and who can attend regular appointments with a therapist.
Outpatient and emergency team - DPS Lister also has an ambulatory team that goes out to patients who, based on their level of function, cannot attend ordinary appointments at the outpatient clinic, and an emergency team that goes out on urgent assignments during the day. In Kvinesdal, there is also a 24-hour post office where patients who require round-the-clock follow-up receive their services for a limited period.
Good opportunities for professional development - DPS Lister is part of the specialist health service in Sørlandet Hospital. The clinic is transversal for the whole of Agder, which means that in the same clinic there is cross-functional collaboration between the departments in the entire county. This creates a greater working environment and good opportunities for professional development. In addition to direct patient treatment, the department must also collaborate with the municipalities in our catchment area. This provides many opportunities for further development of one's own competence.
Special skills and a good working environment - The core competencies in DPS Lister are senior doctors with further training in psychiatry, psychological specialists and psychologists, as well as several treatment positions for professional groups who can work in mental health with various types of further training. The culture is characterized by a high degree of professional commitment on the part of our employees, and DPS Lister has a good working environment both internally in the department and between departments in the clinic. There are very good development opportunities for employees in DPS Lister, as part of the specialist health service. There are good opportunities for professional updating and opportunities for further education.
Future-oriented and green - DPS Lister is in continuous development that follows professional development in mental health, in collaboration with the rest of the clinic. In collaboration with the clinic, the department carries out various analyzes of both current needs and anticipated needs in order to be able to implement measures that are useful and future-oriented. hospital".
Want co-location - The department is working towards co-location of all the clinic's services in the Lister region. Our analyzes have shown that this is a forward-looking measure that will also facilitate a larger and unified professional environment. This collocation includes both adult psychiatry at DPS Lister, ABUP (department for child and youth psychiatry) and ARA (department for drug and addiction medicine). During 2023, a decision will be made relating to the location of a joint operation.
The big picture - DPS Lister can assist new employees with help to find dormitories / flats, we can also offer relevant jobseekers to come out to the various relevant municipalities to look at e.g. school facilities, possible leisure activities that are relevant for the individual and his or her family. DPS Lister will also assist in making contact with relevant companies for any partners who need work.