Egenes Brannteknikk
Egenes brannteknikk was established in 1952 and is Norway's leading manufacturer of fire trucks!

Who are we?
Norway's largest fire truck manufacturer - Egenes Brannteknikk is the leading manufacturer of fire trucks in Norway! Our fire trucks are built in Flekkefjord and we deliver trucks to the entire country, including Svalbard and Jan Mayen. We offer flexible solutions, adapted to Nordic conditions, as well as the customer's own wishes.
Safe and social workplace - All our employees contribute to a good social and professional community. We emphasize continuous learning/development and have a strong focus on Egenes Brannteknikk being a safe and secure workplace. That is why we continuously work to improve our routines. In addition to this, we have a cafeteria where we come together for lunch, and throughout the year, we host a variety of collective events.
Diversity and opportunities - At our company, there is room for everyone. We are home to several nationalities, and we place great emphasis on everyone learning Norwegian as the primary language at work. All our employees assist each other with language understanding. There is a high level of openness to asking for help. We encourage our staff to enhance their skills and facilitate further education. Everyone is given the opportunity to apply their experiences within the company, and there are excellent prospects for development. We are committed to seeing the whole person and aim to let each individual use their full potential.
Innovation and sustainability - Egenes Brannteknikk aims to expand its portfolio to more segments within fire and rescue. We are continuously working to improve our products and are always on the lookout for opportunities that can lead to innovation. Egenes Brannteknikk is ISO 09001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified for quality and environment, in addition to being Eco-Lighthouse certified.
Local commitment and local suppliers - Egenes Brannteknikk uses local suppliers as far as this is possible. We accept students in work practice and at all times have apprentices in the company corresponding to 10% of all employees. Egenes Brannteknikk seeks to be a good partner for both local businesses and society in general, and for many years has been a regular supporter of Norway's oldest rock festival, Fjellparkfestivalen, which is run by young people, for young people.
Welcome to the company and the local community - We are proud of our onboarding process, which ensures that our new employees receive a warm welcome and good follow-up from day one. We attach great importance to giving our employees a solid understanding of our company culture, training and support, so that they can thrive and succeed both at work and in our society. Our high employee satisfaction and low turnover rate are proof that we are a workplace that values and takes good care of our employees.
Work with us?
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