Hidra school


The location by the sea means that the school focuses a lot on coastal culture, traditions and the opportunities that the local environment provides. "Kystliv" is an interdisciplinary project with a focus on the use of the local environment. Through the school course, the students will gain a good understanding of how the coast's resources have been used up through the ages and up to the present day. Visits to local businesses and institutions, activities related to marine life, fishing, nature and cultural landscape, are important elements that create identity and belonging, while also providing opportunities for more practical and varied teaching. The school has several boats that are used a lot in spring and autumn.
Hidra school is responsible for running the combination library for school and local community, in collaboration with Flekkefjord library. The library has fixed opening hours during the day and afternoon one day a week.
The wellbeing leader program (TL) is used at Hidra school. The aim is to contribute to more activity and increased safety in the school yard. The program is based on well-being leaders among the pupils initiating play and being given responsibility for contributing to a positive everyday school life. Since 1999, Hidra School has had a collaboration with Løkken School in Denmark, where class collaboration and camp school stays give good impulses to pupils and staff. The school's vision is: Learning and well-being for all.